Max Chart Limit of 128 in MetaTrader 4


Dear all,

For me to able to monitor the market, I want to have many charts open. I noticed when opening the charts, that the Terminal limits the amount of charts to a max of 128.
Of course I just copied/programmed the way the charts should look (indicators...) in the profiles section of MetaTrader 4. Even if I would open them manually, I would still get the same limit.

I know that I could have another Terminal open for the remaining charts (charts 129,130,131...), but that is not a practical solution.
Additionally, I would like to let you know that my Pc's memory and cpu are capable of handling hundreds of charts.

I tried everything, including manipulating the order.wnd-file and ended up with still the same 128 charts limit.

Please help.

Thanks a lot.

Sometimes we cannot have what we want. That's Life.

I know that I could have another Terminal open for the remaining charts (charts 129,130,131...), but that is not a practical solution.
Additionally, I would like to let you know that my Pc's memory and cpu are capable of handling hundreds of charts.

  1. Why not. As long as the other installation is in a separate directory, no problem.
  2. Bring up the task manager and look at the current terminal. The cpu/memory usage will tell you the answer.
Can you please provide a screen shot or a photograph of your setup (all your monitors) when you have all these 128 charts opened at the same time?
I'm wondering how you would use over 128 charts. Do you have super-eyes that can see everything at once? Or do you run a certain EA or indicator on every chart that alerts you of certain events?
Or do you run a certain EA or indicator on every chart that alerts you of certain events?
If this is the case then it would probably be much better and more robust to have only one chart per symbol open and on each of them some sort of hand crafted meta indicator that loads all these zillions of individual indicators via iCustom() and knows how to check all the conditions and produce the alerts.


I know now that this is a limitation of MetaQuotes. Does anyone have any clue how I could get them to lift this?
For anyone wondering why i need that many charts: I do have an EA to alert me per chart and I do need them all, Custom... will not help me.

Thanks for your help



I know now that this is a limitation of MetaQuotes. Does anyone have any clue how I could get them to lift this?
For anyone wondering why i need that many charts: I do have an EA to alert me per chart and I do need them all, Custom... will not help me.

Thanks for your help

Change the MT4 code just for you ? if you gave them a lot of money they might . . . assume they wouldn't what will you do then ? perhaps you should look for an alternative solution ?
Change the MT4 code just for you ? if you gave them a lot of money they might . . . assume they wouldn't what will you do then ? perhaps you should look for an alternative solution ?
Look, I have an alternative solution. Very simple, I would keep the additional charts in a different terminal... But it happens to be very annoying that they have this senseless limitation.
If they would remove it, than good. If they won't, I guess tough on me.

If you don't want help or suggestions from other forum members why post here ? just contact Metaquotes and ask them.

If you explained what you are doing there might be good suggestions from other members . . . you never know.

Create a mutli-time frame checker