Power of Fibonacci and Gann combination

What is a CYCLE ? you use the term several time, can you please define what you mean by CYCLE ?
What is a CYCLE ? you use the term several time, can you please define what you mean by CYCLE ?
Here i have used it in reference to the prices moving from 0 to 1000 as a cycle.
Here i have used it in reference to the prices moving from 0 to 1000 as a cycle.

0 to 1000 what ? so you just use a term that you have no understanding of ?

What has this to do with mql4 ? ?


0 to 1000 what ? so you just use a term that you have no understanding of ?

What has this to do with mql4 ? ?

0 to 1000 in fibonacci retracement level, when used on the high and low of the previous ? I thought you went through the video showing the fibo retracements. Why are you upset?

I am not a software guy, may be somebody can convert this into an EA.


0 to 1000 in fibonacci retracement level, when used on the high and low of the previous ? I thought you went through the video showing the fibo retracements. Why are you upset?

I am not a software guy, may be somebody can convert this into an EA.

I'm not upset . . . . you use the term Cycle and you don't even have a definition for it . . . saying it is 0 to 1000 on a Fib is not a definition . . .

This forum is about mql4 . . .

This forum is not about trading. It's about coding mql4 and the mql4 terminal.
This forum is not about trading. It's about coding mql4 and the mql4 terminal.
My apologies