is there this function?

i want to calculate the sum of an array,is there this fuction ? thanks
    is there this fuction ?

  2. learn to code or pay someone. Asking for such a trivial thing is a waste of your time as well as ours. It took me under 3 minutes to type it below.

    i want to calculate the sum of an array
    double ArraySum(double Array[], int count=WHOLE_ARRAY, int start=0){
        int size = ArraySize(Array);    if (count == WHOLE_ARRAY)   count   = size;
        int iLimit = start + count;     if (iLimit > size)          iLimit  = size;
        for(double sum=0; start < iLimit; start++)  sum += Array[start];

thanks,i know this method and can code it

but i want to know if there are function like arraysize,arraysort .etc system function

but i want to know if there are function like arraysize,arraysort .etc system function
What part of


was unclear?