Delete account on mt4 mobile


I cannot delete a demo account on mt4 mobile (ipad). Any help?


A follow up...there doesn't seem to be a Delete Account option that I can find.
slide to the left on that account in setting --> acount section
slide to the left on that account in setting --> acount section
Thank you Works 100. Long tap on annoying demo, slide to left, delete option will pop up, red box on right.
Charles Atkinson:
Thank you Works 100. Long tap on annoying demo, slide to left, delete option will pop up, red box on rightplease .
please explain the tip you gave on deleting annoying demo; I cannot find where to put long tap!
slide to the left on that account in setting --> acount section

please explain the tip you gave on deleting annoying demo; where do I find setting --> acount section? I cannot find where to put long tap and slide to the left!
