Before posting please read some of the other threads . . . then you would have seen numerous requests like this one:
Please use this to post code . . . it makes it easier to read.
Is this a typo or your actual code . . . .
double Long = iCustom(NULL, 0, "ShinNeAshi 2", "",3,1000,"",Lime,Black,Lime,White,3,true,false,23 3,234, 0, 1); double Short = iCustom(NULL, 0, "ShinNeAshi 2", "",3,1000,"",Lime,Black,Lime,White,3,true,false,23 3,234, 1, 1);
Before posting please read some of the other threads . . . then you would have seen numerous requests like this one:
Please use this to post code . . . it makes it easier to read.Thank you RaptorUK, can you link any post about the same issue? When I search iCustom the number of results is huge, but I cannot find any post applicable to the "Zeros" issue.
What is the actual file name of the indicator ?
OK, I see it, you have attached it . . . ShinoNexAshit2.mq4
So you iCustom call is wrong . . . it should be . . .
double Long = iCustom(NULL, 0, "ShinoNexAshit2", "",3,1000,"",Lime,Black,Lime,White,3,true,false,233,234, 0, 1); double Short = iCustom(NULL, 0, "ShinoNexAshit2", "",3,1000,"",Lime,Black,Lime,White,3,true,false,233,234, 1, 1);
What is the actual file name of the indicator ?
OK, I see it, you have attached it . . . ShinoNexAshit2.mq4
So you iCustom call is wrong . . . it should be . . .
It might seem strange, but when I attached the indicator to the post its name was "ShinNeAshi 2" (as stated in the header of the indicator's code), now the actual attached file name is "ShinoNexAshit2". I use Linux OS for web-application, maybe is this the cause of the unexpected name?
At this moment I do not have access to the PC with MT4, but this evening I'll check again the names of the file and all the parameters stated in the iCustom calls.
I will let you know what will be the results.
Thank you for your availability in helping a MQL newbie !!
It might seem strange, but when I attached the indicator to the post its name was "ShinNeAshi 2" (as stated in the header of the indicator's code), now the actual attached file name is "ShinoNexAshit2". I use Linux OS for web-application, maybe is this the cause of the unexpected name?
At this moment I do not have access to the PC with MT4, but this evening I'll check again the names of the file and all the parameters stated in the iCustom calls.
I will let you know what will be the results.
Thank you for your availability in helping a MQL newbie !!
What you are seeing in the code is the name that appears when you hover your mouse over it in the Navigator, the copyright info . . . what iCustom wants is the "Custom indicator compiled program name. "
Hi RaptorUk,
Finally the problem has been fixed !
you were right, the issue was in the Custom indicator compiled program name.
I made a big mess with the indicator names in the MT4 folder :O)
I checked the name of the .ex4 file compiled in the MT4 /indicators folder, and [surprise] the actual name is "Shin Ne Ashi 2" (spaces between words).
After replacing the correct name in the iCustom call, all the buffers are imported into the EA smoothly and with the actual values.
Thank you again for the advice !
Best regards
Thank you again for the advice !
Best regards
iCustom(NULL,0,"ShinoNexAshit2","",3,1000,"",Lime,Black,Lime,White,3,true,false,233,234,0,1); iCustom(NULL,0,"ShinoNexAshit2","",3,1000,"",Lime,Black,Lime,White,3,true,false,233,234,1,1);Never code like that, you'll never get it write the first time, or won't be able to modify for testing. Start at the indicator and generate the code properly.
#property link "ShinNeAshi 2"
| #define SHINNEASHI2 "Shin Ne Ashi 2" |
extern string symbol = ""; extern int nShinNe = 3; // should be < N_CHECK_SHINNE extern int nBar = 1000; extern string symTimeRef = ""; // time reference extern color cUpFrame = Lime; extern color cUpBody = Black; extern color cDownFrame = Lime; extern color cDownBody = White; extern int nBodyWidth = 3; extern bool bAlert = true; extern bool bMail = false; extern int markUp = 233; // mark for long signal extern int markDown = 234; // mark for short signal | // Keep the order same as the indi. externs. // The defines are for on chart display // They don't effect the iCustom call. string symbol = ""; int nShinNe = 3; int nBar = 1000; string symTimeRef = ""; #define cUpFrame Lime #define cUpBody Black #define cDownFrame Lime #define cDownBody White #define nBodyWidth 3 #define bAlert true #define bMail false #define markUp 233 #define markDown 234 |
SetIndexBuffer(0, BufferLong); SetIndexBuffer(1, BufferShort); SetIndexBuffer(2, BufferClose); SetIndexBuffer(3, BufferHigh); SetIndexBuffer(4, BufferLow); | #define SNA2_LONG 0 #define SNA2_SHORT 1 #define SNA2_CLOSE 2 #define SNA2_HIGH 3 #define SNA2_LOW 4 |
double Long = iCustom(NULL, 0, SHINNEASHI2, symbol, nShinNe, nBar, symTimeRef, cUpFrame, cUpBody, cDownFrame, cDownBody, nBodyWidth, bAlert, bMail, markUp, markDown, SNA2_LONG, 1); double Short = iCustom(NULL, 0, SHINNEASHI2, symbol, nShinNe, nBar, symTimeRef, cUpFrame, cUpBody, cDownFrame, cDownBody, nBodyWidth, bAlert, bMail, markUp, markDown, SNA2_SHORT, 1);Nice and readable. And you can modify things in the tester like nBar and nShinNe like
extern int ShinNeCount = 3; : int nShinNe = ShinNeCount; // = 3;
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Hi everybody,
I need help to solve the following issue I am struggling with..
The I use the iCustom function to import into an EA the values of the buffers of the " ShinNeAshi 2 " indicator, but I get only Zero value for all the buffers.
I use the following code to call the first and second buffers:
double Long = iCustom(NULL, 0, "ShinNeAshi 2", "",3,1000,"",Lime,Black,Lime,White,3,true,false,23 3,234, 0, 1);
double Short = iCustom(NULL, 0, "ShinNeAshi 2", "",3,1000,"",Lime,Black,Lime,White,3,true,false,23 3,234, 1, 1);
etc etc
The values of the buffer are correctly displayed in the data window when of indicator attached to a chart.
I can't figure where is the bug! Hoping someone can help....
Here is the code of the indicator:
#property copyright "ShinNeAshi 2"
#property link "ShinNeAshi 2"
//---- indicator settings
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 DodgerBlue
#property indicator_color2 Crimson
#property indicator_color3 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color4 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color5 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_width1 1
#property indicator_width2 1
#property indicator_width3 1
#property indicator_width4 1
#property indicator_width5 1
// defines
#define N_CHECK_SHINNE 100
//---- indicator parameters
extern string symbol = "";
extern int nShinNe = 3; // should be < N_CHECK_SHINNE
extern int nBar = 1000;
extern string symTimeRef = ""; // time reference
extern color cUpFrame = Lime;
extern color cUpBody = Black;
extern color cDownFrame = Lime;
extern color cDownBody = White;
extern int nBodyWidth = 3;
extern bool bAlert = true;
extern bool bMail = false;
extern int markUp = 233; // mark for long signal
extern int markDown = 234; // mark for short signal
//---- indicator buffers
double BufferLong[];
double BufferShort[];
double BufferClose[];
double BufferHigh[];
double BufferLow[];
//---- vars
string sIndicatorName;
string sIndSelf = "Shin Ne Ashi";
int nChart;
string sVarChart = "Shin Ne Ashi nChart";
string sVarCount = "Shin Ne Ashi count";
string sUpFrameName = "1upFrame";
string sUpBodyName = "2upBody";
string sDownFrameName = "1downFrame";
string sDownBodyName = "2downBody";
double vOpen[N_CHECK_SHINNE];
double vClose[N_CHECK_SHINNE];
datetime tAlertLast;
int alertCodeLast;
double prevLongPeak;
double prevShortPeak;
string getBarName(int i, string s)
return(sIndicatorName + " bar" + i + " " + s);
void objInit(bool bInit)
int win = WindowFind(sIndicatorName);
for (int i = 0; i < nBar; i++) {
string sUpFrame = getBarName(i, sUpFrameName);
string sUpBody = getBarName(i, sUpBodyName);
string sDownFrame = getBarName(i, sDownFrameName);
string sDownBody = getBarName(i, sDownBodyName);
if (bInit) {
// create bars
// up bar
ObjectCreate(sUpFrame, OBJ_TREND, win, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(sUpFrame, OBJPROP_RAY, 0);
ObjectSet(sUpFrame, OBJPROP_WIDTH, nBodyWidth + 2);
ObjectSet(sUpFrame, OBJPROP_COLOR, cUpFrame);
ObjectSet(sUpFrame, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
ObjectCreate(sUpBody, OBJ_TREND, win, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(sUpBody, OBJPROP_RAY, 0);
ObjectSet(sUpBody, OBJPROP_WIDTH, nBodyWidth);
ObjectSet(sUpBody, OBJPROP_COLOR, cUpBody);
ObjectSet(sUpBody, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
// down bar
ObjectCreate(sDownFrame, OBJ_TREND, win, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(sDownFrame, OBJPROP_RAY, 0);
ObjectSet(sDownFrame, OBJPROP_WIDTH, nBodyWidth + 2);
ObjectSet(sDownFrame, OBJPROP_COLOR, cDownFrame);
ObjectSet(sDownFrame, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
ObjectCreate(sDownBody, OBJ_TREND, win, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(sDownBody, OBJPROP_RAY, 0);
ObjectSet(sDownBody, OBJPROP_WIDTH, nBodyWidth);
ObjectSet(sDownBody, OBJPROP_COLOR, cDownBody);
ObjectSet(sDownBody, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
} else {
// delete bars
void init()
nChart = GlobalVariableGet(sVarChart) + 1;
GlobalVariableSet(sVarChart, nChart);
int count = GlobalVariableGet(sVarCount) + 1;
GlobalVariableSet(sVarCount, count);
if (symbol == "") {
symbol = Symbol();
if (symTimeRef == "") {
symTimeRef = Symbol();
if (nShinNe < 1) {
nShinNe = 1;
sIndicatorName = sIndSelf + "(" + nShinNe + ") " + symbol + " " + count;
SetIndexBuffer(0, BufferLong);
SetIndexBuffer(1, BufferShort);
SetIndexBuffer(2, BufferClose);
SetIndexBuffer(3, BufferHigh);
SetIndexBuffer(4, BufferLow);
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW);
SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexArrow(0, markUp);
SetIndexArrow(1, markDown);
SetIndexLabel(0, "Long");
SetIndexLabel(1, "Short");
SetIndexLabel(2, "Close");
SetIndexLabel(3, "High");
SetIndexLabel(4, "Low");
void deinit()
nChart = GlobalVariableGet(sVarChart);
GlobalVariableSet(sVarChart, nChart - 1);
if (nChart == 1) {
void barMove(int i, datetime t, double open, double close)
string sUpFrame = getBarName(i, sUpFrameName);
string sUpBody = getBarName(i, sUpBodyName);
string sDownFrame = getBarName(i, sDownFrameName);
string sDownBody = getBarName(i, sDownBodyName);
double upOpen = 0;
double upClose = 0;
double downOpen = 0;
double downClose = 0;
if (close >= open) {
upOpen = open;
upClose = close;
} else {
downOpen = open;
downClose = close;
ObjectMove(sUpFrame, 0, t, upOpen);
ObjectMove(sUpFrame, 1, t, upClose);
ObjectMove(sUpBody, 0, t, upOpen);
ObjectMove(sUpBody, 1, t, upClose);
ObjectMove(sDownFrame, 0, t, downOpen);
ObjectMove(sDownFrame, 1, t, downClose);
ObjectMove(sDownBody, 0, t, downOpen);
ObjectMove(sDownBody, 1, t, downClose);
void shift(double open, double close)
for (int k = nShinNe; k > 0; k--) {
vOpen[k] = vOpen[k - 1];
vClose[k] = vClose[k - 1];
vOpen[0] = open;
vClose[0] = close;
string TimeFrameToStr(int timeFrame)
switch (timeFrame) {
case PERIOD_M1: return("M1");
case PERIOD_M5: return("M5");
case PERIOD_M15: return("M15");
case PERIOD_M30: return("M30");
case PERIOD_H1: return("H1");
case PERIOD_H4: return("H4");
case PERIOD_D1: return("D1");
case PERIOD_W1: return("W1");
case PERIOD_MN1: return("MN");
void msg(string sMsg, bool bMail)
string tf = TimeFrameToStr(Period());
string sSub = "[" + sIndSelf + "][" + Symbol() + " " + tf + "]";
string s = sSub + " " + sMsg;
if (bMail) {
SendMail(sSub, sSub + "\n" + sMsg);
void start()
int limit;
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
if (counted_bars > 0) {
limit = Bars - counted_bars;
int i, x;
datetime t;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
t = iTime(symTimeRef, 0, i);
x = iBarShift(symbol, 0, t);
BufferClose[i] = iClose(symbol, 0, x);
int w = WindowBarsPerChart();
int b = WindowFirstVisibleBar() + MathMax(0, (nBar - w) / 2);
if (b < nBar) {
b = nBar - 1;
if (b > Bars) {
b = Bars;
double open, close;
bool bTrendChanged = false;
int k;
for (i = 0; i < nBar; i++) {
BufferLong[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
BufferShort[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
int iRef = b - i;
if (iRef >= 0) {
t = iTime(symTimeRef, 0, iRef);
x = iBarShift(symbol, 0, t);
} else {
t = iTime(symTimeRef, 0, 0);
x = -1;
close = iClose(symbol, 0, x);
if (i == 0) {
for (k = 0; k <= nShinNe; k++) {
vOpen[k] = close;
vClose[k] = close;
} else if (i == 1) {
vOpen[0] = close;
vClose[0] = close;
} else {
double prevPeak;
for (k = 0; k <= nShinNe; k++) {
bUp[k] = (vClose[k] >= vClose[k + 1]);
if (bUp[0]) {
// up trend
if (close > vClose[0]) {
shift(vClose[0], close);
bTrendChanged = false;
} else {
prevPeak = vOpen[0];
for (k = 1; k < nShinNe; k++) {
if (!bUp[k]) {
prevPeak = vOpen[k];
if (k == nShinNe) {
prevPeak = vClose[nShinNe];
if (close < prevPeak) {
shift(vOpen[0], close);
bTrendChanged = true;
BufferShort[iRef] = close;
prevShortPeak = prevPeak;
} else {
// down trend
if (close < vClose[0]) {
shift(vClose[0], close);
bTrendChanged = false;
} else {
prevPeak = vOpen[0];
for (k = 1; k < nShinNe; k++) {
if (bUp[k]) {
prevPeak = vOpen[k];
if (k == nShinNe) {
prevPeak = vClose[nShinNe];
if (close > prevPeak) {
shift(vOpen[0], close);
bTrendChanged = true;
BufferLong[iRef] = close;
prevLongPeak = prevPeak;
open = vOpen[0];
close = vClose[0];
if (x < 0) {
open = 0;
close = 0;
barMove(i, t, open, close);
double ofst = Point * 3;
BufferHigh[iRef] = MathMax(open, close) + ofst;
BufferLow[iRef] = MathMin(open, close) - ofst;
if (bAlert) {
bool bLong = (BufferLong[1] != EMPTY_VALUE);
bool bShort = (BufferShort[1] != EMPTY_VALUE);
int alertCode = 0;
if (bLong) alertCode |= 1;
if (bShort) alertCode |= 2;
if (alertCode != 0) {
datetime t0 = Time[0];
if (t0 != tAlertLast || alertCode != alertCodeLast) {
tAlertLast = t0;
alertCodeLast = alertCode;
double spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD) * Point;
string sBidAsk = "Bid/Ask= " + DoubleToStr(Close[0], Digits) + "/" + DoubleToStr(Close[0] + spread, Digits);
if (bLong) {
msg("Long, " + sBidAsk + ", prevPeak= " + DoubleToStr(prevLongPeak, Digits), bMail);
if (bShort) {
msg("Short, " + sBidAsk + ", prevPeak= " + DoubleToStr(prevShortPeak, Digits), bMail);