Adding Code


Hello, I am very new on this programme and Want to know how to type filping chart

#property show_inputs
#import "user32.dll"
   int GetParent(int hWnd);
   int SendMessageA(int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, int lParam);

#define WM_MDINEXT   548

extern int SlideShowSeconds = 5;

void start()
   Comment("Loop script added here!");     // <-  comment
   while (!IsStopped()) {
      int hMDI = GetParent(GetParent(WindowHandle(Symbol(), Period())));
      SendMessageA(hMDI, WM_MDINEXT, 0, 0);

      Sleep(SlideShowSeconds * 1000);
   Comment("");   // <- remove comment at script remove

I have got it from old post here. But, I do not know where to put this to. I have pasted exactly this to 'Custom Indicator' but it doesn't flip charts.

Somebody could help me!?



It's a script, this comment gives that away . . .

// <- remove comment at script remove

did you allow DLLs ?


I am not that good with computer and I do not get that 'allowing DLLs?

How can I active this code...?


I am not that good with computer and I do not get that 'allowing DLLs?

Alllow DLL imports . . .


How can I active this code...?

It's a script NOT a Custom Indicator. Read some of the Book and Learn.