Timed OrderClose doesnt work - Need a little help



I have a little problem,

This ea open an order at a specific time ... But i want it to close after 30 mins ... Here is my code:

//---- input parameters
extern double    Lots=1;
extern int       TakeProfit=100;
extern int       StopLoss=100;
extern int       Slip=0;
extern int BuyMagicNumber =10001;
extern int SellMagicNumber =10002;
extern string TradeSettings="Mt4 time(min-max): hours 0-23, minutes 0-59, seconds 0-59";
extern bool AllowBuy=true;
extern bool AllowSell=false;
extern int  TradeHour=9;
extern int  TradeMinutes=00;
extern int  TradeSeconds=00;

//| expert starts                                  |
int start()

int StopMultd,Sleeper=1;

int digits=MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_DIGITS);
if(digits==5){StopMultd=10;} else{StopMultd=1;}
double TP=NormalizeDouble(TakeProfit*StopMultd,Digits);
double SL=NormalizeDouble(StopLoss*StopMultd,Digits);
int Slippage=Slip*StopMultd;

// Calculate stop loss
double slb=NormalizeDouble(Ask-SL*Point,Digits);
double sls=NormalizeDouble(Bid+SL*Point,Digits);

// Calculate take profit
double tpb=NormalizeDouble(Ask+TP*Point,Digits);
double tps=NormalizeDouble(Bid-TP*Point,Digits);

//Check open orders
  for(int i=1; i<=OrdersTotal(); i++)          // Cycle searching in orders
      if (OrderSelect(i-1,SELECT_BY_POS)==true) // If the next is available
          if(OrderMagicNumber()==BuyMagicNumber) {int halt1=1;}
          if(OrderMagicNumber()==SellMagicNumber) {int halt2=1;}

if((halt1!=1)&&(AllowBuy==true)){// halt1

// Buy criteria
if ((TradeHour==Hour())&&(TradeMinutes==Minute())&&(TradeSeconds>=Seconds())) //Signal Buy
   int openbuy=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,Lots,Ask,Slippage,slb,tpb,"time trader buy order ",BuyMagicNumber,0,Blue);
   if(openbuy<1){int buyfail=1;


  if ((Hour()==10)&&(Minute()==30)&&(Seconds()==00)){         //<--------------------------------HERE
  if (OrderType() == OP_BUY                                  //<--------------------------------HERE
  ){OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),0,Blue);            //<--------------------------------HERE   , it doesnt work , i get EURUSD,M5: OrderClose error 4108



}// halt1

if((halt2!=1)&&(AllowSell==true)){// halt2
// Sell criteria
if ((TradeHour==Hour())&&(TradeMinutes==Minute())&&(TradeSeconds>=Seconds())) //Signal Sell
   int opensell=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots,Bid,Slippage,sls,tps,"time trader sell order ",SellMagicNumber,0,Green);
   if(opensell<1){int sellfail=1;}

}// halt2

// Error processing
int Error=GetLastError();
  if(Error==130){Alert("Wrong stops. Retrying."); RefreshRates();}
  if(Error==133){Alert("Trading prohibited.");}
  if(Error==2){Alert("Common error.");}
  if(Error==146){Alert("Trading subsystem is busy. Retrying."); Sleep(500); RefreshRates();}


// if(openbuy==true||opensell==true)Sleep(1*60*1000*Sleeper);

Error 4108 is ??
Read the Documentation please . . .
Some more help OrderTicket() from the Documentation . . . " Note: The order must be previously selected by the OrderSelect() function. "
Thanks very much for trying to help, But somehow i cant get it to work ... thats why i came here ...
Thanks very much for trying to help, But somehow i cant get it to work ... thats why i came here ...
You need to try . . . what is error 4108 ? or do you expect someone else to code it for you ?