Little help please with a code.


I need some help guys..

now I have an opened Position "Opened Manually" 

I have that expert which count the number of open position and execute orders ..

I want the expert count his own position only but didn't work .. here is the code

void OnTick()
  int total=OrdersTotal();
   double OpenLongOrders=0,OpenShortOrders=0,PendLongs=0,PendShorts=0;
   if(total==0 && OpenLongOrders==0 && OpenShortOrders==0 && PendLongs==0 && PendShorts==0 && OP_BUY_SELL_again==true) //I want only count orders with magic number=1234 or 9999
      printf("0 trades");
   int i;
      {if( OrderMagicNumber()==MyMagicNumber_B && OrderSymbol()==Symbol())
         int type=OrderType();

         if(type == OP_BUY )       {OpenLongOrders=OpenLongOrders+1;}
         if(type == OP_SELL )      {OpenShortOrders=OpenShortOrders+1;}
         if(type == OP_BUYSTOP )   {PendLongs=PendLongs+1;}
         if(type == OP_SELLSTOP )  {PendShorts=PendShorts+1;}
//--- Buy Direction        
         if(total==1 && OpenLongOrders==1 && OpenShortOrders==0 && PendLongs==0 && PendShorts==0) // if there is manually open positions will be count also. but I need to count expert positions only

Please use the </> button to insert your code.

Eleni Anna Branou:

Please use the </> button to insert your code.


manual positions will be skipped because they do not meet the :


void OnTick()
  int total=OrdersTotal();
   double OpenLongOrders=0,OpenShortOrders=0,PendLongs=0,PendShorts=0;
   if(total==0 && OpenLongOrders==0 && OpenShortOrders==0 && PendLongs==0 && PendShorts==0 && OP_BUY_SELL_again==true) //I want only count orders with magic number=1234 or 9999
      printf("0 trades");
   int i;
       if( OrderMagicNumber()==MyMagicNumber_B && OrderSymbol()==Symbol())
         int type=OrderType();

         if(type == OP_BUY )       {OpenLongOrders=OpenLongOrders+1;}
         if(type == OP_SELL )      {OpenShortOrders=OpenShortOrders+1;}
         if(type == OP_BUYSTOP )   {PendLongs=PendLongs+1;}
         if(type == OP_SELLSTOP )  {PendShorts=PendShorts+1;}
//--- Buy Direction        
         if(total==1 && OpenLongOrders==1 && OpenShortOrders==0 && PendLongs==0 && PendShorts==0) // if there is manually open positions will be count also. but I need to count expert positions only

Do you know where the name C++ came from ? the ++ stands for plus one.

So this :


Could also be written as this:

Marco vd Heijden:

manual positions will be skipped because they do not meet the :

Do you know where the name C++ came from ? the ++ stands for plus one.

So this :

Could also be written as this:

thnx . i'm still beginner in coding.