I think MQL Cloud should be made free, so that developers and traders can come up with brighter ideas. What do you'll think? Should it be made free.

  • 48% (11)
  • 52% (12)
Total voters: 23
The reason being, the payment for providing agents is so small that one can neglect it and so is the charge for using the agents. I think by making the MQL Cloud free, it will be opened for full potential use(one doesn't need to worry about running out of gas....credits). It will be like a giant super computer made by MQL Community free of charge for the community members. Yes, I understand there are costs to maintain servers at Metaquotes for the Cloud to run, however I am sure it is a miniscule amount which won't hurt the bottom line in a big way.
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Indicators Lines
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Indicators Lines
  • www.mql5.com
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Indicators Lines - Documentation on MQL5
The reason being, the payment for providing agents is so small that one can neglect it and so is the charge for using the agents. I think by making the MQL Cloud free, it will be opened for full potential use(one doesn't need to worry about running out of gas....credits). It will be like a giant super computer made by MQL Community free of charge for the community members. Yes, I understand there are costs to maintain servers at Metaquotes for the Cloud to run, however I am sure it is a miniscule amount which won't hurt the bottom line in a big way.
I think you will find all the users offering their PCs to be part of the Cloud will suddenly turn them off . . . and the Cloud will evaporate.  Suddenly there would be a mass of Users and very few providers . . .
The reason being, the payment for providing agents is so small that one can neglect it and so is the charge for using the agents. I think by making the MQL Cloud free, it will be opened for full potential use(one doesn't need to worry about running out of gas....credits). It will be like a giant super computer made by MQL Community free of charge for the community members. Yes, I understand there are costs to maintain servers at Metaquotes for the Cloud to run, however I am sure it is a miniscule amount which won't hurt the bottom line in a big way.

And what about abuse? Don't you think the small fee helps to self regulate that?

Ps> I liked your request a little more after you provided some reasons :) . Before that I'm thinking why make it free. It's already almost free.

I generally distributed computer resources free. Only then did the company earns on commission. Not a lot of resources that need to share with others.
Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
  • cloud.mql5.com
Connect to the MQL5 Cloud Network (Cloud Computing) and earn extra income around the clock — there is much work for you computer!