Object disappeares after changing TimeFrame on chart



I draw a rectangle object on my Chart in H1.

ObjectCreate("Box", OBJ_RECTANGLE,0, ...)

If I change to another timeframe on chart, the object is not shown.
If I go back to H1 it's gone too.

Any ideas, why?

I delete this object in init(), deinit(). But neither shouold be executed, changing the timeframe on chart, right?



I delete this object in init(), deinit(). But neither shouold be executed, changing the timeframe on chart, right?

init() is run when you change timeframes . . . you can trap this and make a decision to not delete if init() is being run as a result of changing timeframes . . .

Info here you can check if the reason is REASON_CHARTCHANGE and if it is don't delete your Objects.


Thank you for the info.

let's say the previous code example is my init():

How would I write it using your example that the code is never executed, unless the EA is newly attached to the chart or enabled with the "ExpertAdvisor" butto?

int init()

Another general question: Where can I see under which scenarios init() is always executed?



I know this is not the most professional approach, but for now I did do the following:

bool DidInitRunBefore = 0;

   if (!DidInitRunBefore)
   DidInitRunBefore = true;

The "DidInitRunBefore" is not reset at change of chart, right.


Why not just do something like . . . .

   if ( UninitializeReason() != REASON_CHARTCHANGE)
      {  // code to delete Objects 


By the way . . . a bool is true or false . . .


Thank you!

I did assume I can use either 0/1 or false/true, because 0=false and 1=true in case of bool?

Am I wrong?


Thank you!

I did assume I can use either 0/1 or false/true, because 0=false and 1=true in case of bool?

Am I wrong?

You aren't wrong . . . but 1 is an int, false is a bool . . . if you want your code to be clear and unambiguous use true/false for bools and use numbers for ints ;-)
Ah - I see, OK. thank you.