[Is this normal???] Different couples of bars are more than equal


Hello, I'm new to MQL world and I'm trying to learn something by practice approach. Today the subject were ARRAY and I made an experiment: I tryed do write an algorithm that consider every couple of bars and counts the similar and the different ones. For similar couples I mean the ones where open price is smaller or bigger than close price for both...so (red-red) (green-green) are similar but (green-red) (red-green) are different.

This is the algorithm I put down:

int init()

int equal, i;

while (i<Bars-1){

if (((Open[i]>Close[i] && Open[i+1]>Close[i+1]) || (Open[i]<Close[i] && Open[i+1]<Close[i+1])))equal++;

Alert("equal: "+equal+" -- different: "+(i-equal));



Is this code correct for reaching my scope? Was it better to put it in the start() function? Why different couples are every time a little bit more than equal ones?

OT (I'm from italy): is my english grammar correct ?

Your English is fine. Don't write code like that its confusing. For every && make a new nest. For every || make a new if on the same level. The difference is due to Doubles not being static. Could be better to run within Start or Create an Indicator.