kelly strategy in martingale money management


Anyone can edit this to kelly strategy or divided by 10.

my lot size is 0.10 when starting equity is $250 this should change to 0.11 when equity growth to $500



case 0: lotsi=NormalizeDouble(MathCeil((risk*AccountEquity())/10000)/10,1); break;
case 1: lotsi=NormalizeDouble((risk*AccountEquity())/100000,2); break;
case 2: lotsi=NormalizeDouble((risk*AccountEquity())/1000,2); break;
default: lotsi=NormalizeDouble(MathCeil((risk*AccountEquity())/10000)/10,1); break;




Here's a Kelly Calculator. Here for example on how to calculate. Here for learning how to code.
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  1. Many people here can, but No Slaves here, learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.