Why default values for function parameters do not work when function is defined in a library



#import "abc.ex4"
    int CheckupTradability(bool silientCheck=false);
    void DisplayAccountInfo(); 


void DisplayAccountInfo()

int CheckupTradability(bool silientCheck)

Used in test.mq4:

include <abc.mqh>     // My library

//| script program start function                                    |
int start()
    if (CheckupTradability()==0)

I got an error when compiling test.mq4: ')' - wrong parameters count

I also got 3 warnings when compiliing abc.mq4 as follows. Shall I add a start() as a faked one?

Start function not found and cannot be run.
Function "DisplayAccountInfo" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "CheckupTradability" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file

Here. MQL4-library functions imported within other modules cannot have parameters initialized by default values.
Here. MQL4-library functions imported within other modules cannot have parameters initialized by default values.

Thanks, ubzen. Is this written in the documentation?
MetaQuotes Software Corp considers the Online Documentation as The Documentation. If you use the MQL4 Navigator, it'll bring you to the same link I provided. What you find around here depends on your Ability or Willingness to search Google.
MetaQuotes Software Corp considers the Online Documentation as The Documentation. If you use the MQL4 Navigator, it'll bring you to the same link I provided. What you find around here depends on your Ability or Willingness to search Google.

Sorry, I didn't realize "Here" in your first reply is a hyperlink. Yes, it is clearly stated. Thanks.

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