How to mantain objects of one symbol exlusively on its timeframes?

I have been working with the MT4 platform and I have had some charting issues that I have not yet found a way around. What I basically I want to do is to create objects( trend lines, channels, fibs, horizontal lines, recs and triangles etc) on my chart on a particular symbol and to configure the platform in such a way that the objects drawn on one symbol does not appear on the various time frames or workspace of other symbols. The objects should be limited exclusively to all the time frames of one symbol and remain in the active/current or real time workspace of that symbol (for days, weeks, months ... basically for as long as it is necessary) until I remove them or modify them. I have tried to manoeuvre around with saving through the profile but once I delete any object it is not reproduced/ regenerated again in the saved profile. How can I effectively do this? Does MT5 offer solutions to this particular problem? I would be grateful for suggestions that in the very least would save me time and a crude and arduous procedure of repetitive chart analysis that am unfortunately stuck with.
Save your Template, one for each currency pair . . . the Template contains all the objects.