pausing the visuell backtest when an order is opened


Hi everybody :)

Is there a way to reduce the speed of visuell backtesting? I want to see what my EA is doing during the backtest for a better analyzing. Sometimes it tackes a long time, till a trade is done, so I increase the speed. But then oftenly the trade is closed and over before I can reduce the speed again. So, I need a function that pauses the backtest, when a trede is done!

Anyone nows if that´s possible?

Thanks in advance!


Take a look here

Alternatively get the EA to take a screen grab just after a trade is placed . . .

So, I need a function that pauses the backtest, when a trede is done!
// */
#include <WinUser32.mqh>
#import "user32.dll"
  int GetAncestor(int, int);
void PauseTest(){   datetime now = TimeCurrent();   static datetime oncePerTick;
    if (IsTesting() && IsVisualMode() && IsDllsAllowed() && oncePerTick != now){
        oncePerTick = now;
        for(int i=0; i<200000; i++){        // Delay required for speed=32 (max)
            int main = GetAncestor(WindowHandle(Symbol(), Period()), 2/*GA_ROOT*/);
            if (i==0) PostMessageA(main, WM_COMMAND, 0x57a, 0); // 1402. Pause
    }   }
cool, thank you very much!