Error!Please help


After configurate and create a new account, I've installed mysql copy I tried to load an ea, but it doesn't load it. The error say:

Signature check mismatch!!

Anyone knows why that happens and can help me?

Thank you very much ;)

What EA ? where did you get it from ?

That's a file that a friend shared to me. He doesn't know the reason why it doesn't works.

I'm a newbie, maybe it's something obvious that I can't see.


What is it called ?

Ask your friend where he got it from.

It's called ea...i think he got it paying something, but i don't know where. Do you know what kind of error it could be?
Do you know what kind of error it could be?
Sorry, no idea.
By the way, why do you need MySQL ?
I don't know, it's in the instructions that he wrote to me...