Where are my Files?


I'm a newbee in MQL4 but no newbee in programming. I wrote an EA and a Script and compiled them successfully. They are visible and executable with MT4 but I don't find them with windows explorer, not source nor ex4. I'm using Windows7. Naturaly the Objects *.mq4 / *.ex4 that where delivered with MT4 are at there right places in the directories. Also when I restart my PC - the situation remains. What's wrong? Can anybody help to me?


Do not install MT4 in a protected folder like "Program Files"



Do not install MT4 in a protected folder like "Program Files"


thanks - now it works!

If you do install into Program Files, Go to the mt4 experts folder, at the top of the folder it has an icon says "Compatabilty Files" click that icon and all your files will show up.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 security wont allow mt4 to save new files in the Program Files folder, so all your user created files will be saved in an alternate location. The compatability files button allows you to see and access those files as if they were in the folder within Program Files even though they are not really there