same stradegy test in 2 different computers and give 2 different results why?


thank you also for the first help!! :-)

i test my stradegy in 2 different computers with differend results why?

thnks in advance

different history data is most likely the cause assuming all other variables were constant. If you transplant history data from one of your computers to the other, you should get the same results.


If done at different times, the spread could have been different and could have changed the results



nahem are you talking about strategy tester (backtesting) the same EA on two computers or are you talking about running the same EA on two computers in a forward/live test environment?

In forward/live environments there is no guarantee that two computers will receive the exact same ticks even if they are tied in to the same broker and on the same server. We usually only get to see a portion of the total number of ticks, which means your EA on any given machine only gets to see, and respond to, a subset of the total number of ticks.