Decimal digits on MACD



When I use MACD I only get an answer up to 4 digits. I need 6 digits. Have tried NormalizeDouble But still get 4 digits after the decimal point.



If you are Print-ing these, have you tried DoubleToStr (as Print defaults to 4 didgits), e.g.

string value=DoubleToStr(1.28473418, 5); // the value is "1.28473"



If you are Print-ing these, have you tried DoubleToStr (as Print defaults to 4 didgits), e.g.

string value=DoubleToStr(1.28473418, 5); // the value is "1.28473"



I compare the values. Say answer is macd =0.123456 and trigger = 0.123489 it gives me an equal answer of 0.1234 on both.

trigger should be bigger than macd but instead I get an equal to.
