connected but no outgoing


I have been having trouble sending orders and email test messages, even though I've got a connection and get data all the time.

I thought my order sending trouble was because I messed up the code but I started one of the examples, MACD, and made sure "Allow Live Trades" was checked, and it still didn't make any trades.

I thought maybe this had to do with my demo account, that maybe it wasn't set up completely or properly (I get a message when I do Data History Center downloads that my data is coming from MetaTrader Corp rather than Alpari like I expected). But when I tried to set up the email option to use the function SendMail using my Hotmail account I never got any test messages. I entered for the server, put in my existing hotmail address for the SMTP login, then my password, then "From_MT," for the From: field and "To_MT," in the To: textbox, so I was pretty sure I set that up correctly. I checked my junk mail folder, no dice.

Please help!


A) EA Orders. Check that you have a smiley face next to your EA on the chart. Whether there is or not will decide what the next step is.

B) Emails. I expect (but am not certain) that & would place restrictions on sending email via SMTP rather than web based sending. Even if they do allow it, it might not be port 25.
I tried to search both sites (or is it just one?), but in typical M$ fashion they kindly just searched my emails rather than finding anything useful.

Instead, perhaps use your ISP SMTP server.


re: A) The smiley is on.

re: B) Using my ISP would be tough, what about Gmail?


Gmail wont work because it needs a secured connection which MT4 does not support.


As for A) is it a case of setting the wrong values for the example? I tried running MACD just as it came to me, with the default Lots = 0.1 and all that. I'm gonna try taking out some of the many criteria checks it makes to see if that's blocking my orders from sending. Oh, and I just saw that I have made at least one trade. I may be going crazy but I think it did it recently, not at the time it claims it did it cause that was a week ago and I feel sure that I saw my demo account still at the $3K I set it at in the last few days. It says I made 5.99 on the 17th but somehow I don't have a log from the 17th. If you run a script does it not make a log? Does MT wipe all the logs out regularly?

And on B) I just need to send some relevant data to my friends while we forward test, so maybe it'd be easier for me to use SendFTP or something but I don't know how.