EA with a DDL on a Window 2008 R2



We're currently working with a setup of an EA which communicates with a DDL (unmanaged+managed code).

This setup is running quite stable on Win7 64bit, however, we're trying to migrate to a virtual server running Win2008R2 64bit and this setup seems to crash quite frequently.

The most notable message is windows access violation 0x0000005 and the dump has no usuable stacktrace to follow.

Important to mention that we're trying to work with several brokers on the same machine.

Has anyone encountered such problems? Any hint on how we can try to debug this setup?

My gut feeling is that it relates to some conflict with the libraries loaded by .NET . I suspect that it is possible that there is a conflict between the libraries that the MT4 requires (.net V2?) and the libraries which are installed on the win2008, and that for some reason this only triggeres a crash on win2008 because of differences in heap management.

I tried using the VS2010 debugger, unfortunately I can't seem to trap the crashing point - probably because I can only attach to a running process and not start a terminal from scratch using the debugger.




Could you answer to some questions.

1. Is your EA crashes when you disable using of DLL?

2. Can you determine which call of function gives you an error?

3. Could you send source code and DLLs to us?