Anchoring Text on X-axis that can move up/down Y-axis


I have a grid indicator I wrote, I want to see the prices of each line on the chart itself, not on the right with the other prices. Is there a way to anchor it to the X-axis so it's in a fixed position on the right side of the chart that allows the text to move up and down with the lines on the Y-axis when the chart is scrolled/zoomed? Right now I have it coded to shift when the chart is zoomed or scrolled, but that requires a tick to execute the code. I'm basically looking for a hybrid of a TEXT and LABEL object.

Screen shot of indicator is attached.


Using Chart Refresh will redraw Labels/Text Objects after zoom/scroll and without Tick (Well, I tried it by disconnecting my internet for a moment!)

I have a pip scale that draws major price breaks (00, 25, 50, 75 etc), & I wish that I could capture the 'scroll' or 'zoom' event & redraw some of my Objects too!
