Converting Currencies


Hello Folks,

Awesome site. It is a forever learning process as it is, but this site challenges a persons understanding as well as explains the Forex facets. Thanks to all.

There are many currency converting calculators out there. But what is the actual formula for converting USD/JPY, and better yet to convert EUR/GBP into US dollar.

Allow me to explain with examples please.

Example: Sold 2 lots USD/JPY at 118.44. Liquidated the 2 lots at 115.39. The difference being 3.05 pips. What is the formula to convert the difference (3.05 pips) into US Dollars.

AND, how about the conversion problem, Sold 2 lots of EUR/GBP at 0.6211. Then liquidated 2 lots at 0.6318. The difference being 0.0107 pips. What is the formula to convert the 0.0107 pips into US Dollars.

Please it is only the formula I am seeking. Not the complete MT4 or MT5 lanuage to go with it at this time. Make it easy on yourself as well as on me.

Thanks again.



i assume this should be correct. not shure at all

//edit: and in your example profit in pips is 10.7