Can the 'brains' on this forum cast me some pearls of wisdom... ?


Below is what saw on sale page of XPP - a new robo millionaire maker... (yeah, sure)

What interests me is HOW can one dynamically and assume in real time, do display of 'current' broker slippage.

Their point for all this is that (apparently some) brokers can/do ramp up slippage values, which of course will play havoc with trade orders AND bottom line if predisposed to scalp trading etc.

Your thots and/or how to do's on this would be most enlightening.

This tool uses state-of-the-art BDT (that's "Broker-Detection Technology").

It extracts what’s known as the “slippage” of each trade.



It does not display the current slippage value. I think you summed it up in your last calculates the slippage on the last trade.

Nice sophisticated feature to sell and EA but it can't be used to improve trading. At best it can be placed in a logfile and examined by yourself after a suitable sample of trades and then compared with other brokers to determine if there is a problem with your broker.


thanks kenny, sure - ok, makes sense. metrics would be needed for a 'completed' trade.

So... that seems to mean that many trades/logged values need to be had and also at a reasonably close time wise sampling window, yes?


Would you or? know how that algorithm/code would look?

ie, I do not see how calculate this.

IF anyone takes the bait THEN please annotate and explain reasoning for what you have given, thank you.

why? cuz this is vip for my learning [and others?] :)

   double Slip = OrderClosePrice();//record the current Bid price
   OrderClose(............);//close the order
   Slip = Slip - OrderClosePrice();//Difference between recorded Bid price minus the actual close price = this case a bad fill would be a bigger positive number. 
                                   //You could do this vice versa too if preferred.
   Write_Slip_to_File(Slip);//write the slippage to a logfile for future reference, etc