Turning EA on/off at specified times of day regularly.


Been trying this all day but now just getting myself more and more confused. Say that I want my EA to stop trading from 8:00pm until 6:00am the following day, how would I go about this? I have code for finding the relative GMT offsets for the broker, local time, London, NY etc all working correctly so in what time zone the inputs are isn't a concern. I then wanted to use the function below from TimeSuite.mqh posted on this site (comments added are mine to help aid understanding). Let's assume I the times input are in GMT.

So I have the lines

   datetime iRangeStart = StrToTime(sRangeStart)+BrokerGMTOffset*3600;
   datetime iRangeStop = StrToTime(sRangeStop)+BrokerGMTOffset*3600;

In situations as above (8:00pm - 6:00am) how do I take into account that 6:00am would convert to be 'less than' 8:00pm once server time passed 00:00 and a new day started? Any and all help would be appreciated, going mad trying to do this.

int TimeInRange(datetime tTime, string sStart, string sEnd, int iAdjust=15) {
  int      iDOW = TimeDayOfWeek(tTime);
  //tTime will be current time TimeCurrent
  //86400 is number of seconds in a day
  //tTime and 86400 are both integers so will return a whole number of full days that have passed.
  //Number of hours represented in seconds - StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sStart,2,2))*3600 
  //Number of minutes represented in seconds - StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sStart,5,2))*60
  //iAdjust time can be a negative number for the range to start earlier. 
  datetime tStart = (tTime/86400)*86400 + (StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sStart,0,1)) - iDOW)*86400 
                  + StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sStart,2,2))*3600 + StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sStart,5,2))*60 
                  + iAdjust*60;
  datetime tEnd   = (tTime/86400)*86400 + (StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sEnd,0,1)) - iDOW)*86400 
                  + StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sEnd,2,2))*3600 
                  + StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sEnd,5,2))*60 - iAdjust*60;
  if(tTime <= tEnd && tStart > tEnd) {
     return(tEnd - tTime);
  //- Can only be if the 'day' number is less also. 
  if(tEnd < tStart) {
     tEnd = tEnd+86400*7;
  if(tTime >= tStart && tTime <= tEnd) {
     return(tEnd - tTime);


Use a function that has two sessions, eg this OTTOMH...

extern int StartHour.1 = 6;
extern int EndHour.1   = 12;  

extern int StartHour.2 = 12; 
extern int EndHour.2   = 20;

  // Do stuff every tick



  if (TradingHours() == false) return (0); // Quit here if outside hours
 // Do stuff in your trading periods



bool TradingHours()

   //---- Check trading days/hours GMT

  if ((Hour()>= StartHour.1) && (Hour()<= EndHour.1) )  return (true);  
  if ((Hour()>= StartHour.2) && (Hour() <= EndHour.2) ) return (true); 

  return (false);
extern int              TradeHour.Start                 =   2;
extern int              TradeHour.Last                  =  11;
int hrNow   = Hour()+Server.Time.To.UTC +24)%24,
    hrBeg   = (hrNow-TradeHour.Start+24)%24,
    hrEnd   = (hrNow-TradeHour.Last +24)%24;
if (hrBeg > hrEnd){ no.open = StringConcatenate(no.open, "|HR", hrBeg-24);
                                                            openNow=false; }
Thanks for the replies guys. Will have a play and see if I can get it to do what I want!