Past Bar Question


Is it possible to mark past bars with and arrow, rather than current, to identify highs and lows, at the actual bar where they occured, for a specified number of past bars?


// extremumprice.mq4
// The code should be used for educational purpose only.

extern int CntBars=30; // Amount of bars


int start() // Special funct. start()

int i, n, m; // Bar number

double Minimum=Open[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_OPEN,CntBars,0)], // Minimal price
Maximum=Open[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_OPEN,CntBars,0)]; // Maximal price

for(i=0;i<CntBars-1;i++) // From zero (!) to..
{ // ..Quant_Bars-1 (!)
if (Low[i]< Minimum) // If < than known
{Minimum=Low[i]; n = i; // it will be min

ObjectCreate("UpSymbolA", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0],Minimum); //draw an up arrow
ObjectSet("UpSymbolA", OBJPROP_COLOR,Lime);


if (High[i]> Maximum) // If > than known
{Maximum=High[i]; m = i; // it will be max

ObjectCreate("DnSymbolA",OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], Maximum); //draw a dn arrow
ObjectSet("DnSymbolA", OBJPROP_COLOR,Red);



Alert("For the last ",CntBars," bars Min = ",DoubleToStr(Minimum,Digits)," at Bar # ",n," Max = ",DoubleToStr(Maximum,Digits)," at Bar # ",m);
return; // Exit start()



Where there are 0's put 1's instead and that might do it :)

Please use the source button.

iLowest gives you the shift to the required bar. you can use this shift to get the time reference for your arrow. I don't want to re do all your code but hopefully the following will give you the idea...

int      lowshift=iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_OPEN,CntBars,0);
double   Minimum=Open[lowshift]; // Minimal price
datetime lowtime=Time[lowshift];

// Other code ---

ObjectCreate("DnSymbolA", OBJ_ARROW, 0, lowtime,Minimum); 

I haven't tested it, but I think that would get the job done



Please use the source button.

iLowest gives you the shift to the required bar. you can use this shift to get the time reference for your arrow. I don't want to re do all your code but hopefully the following will give you the idea...

I haven't tested it, but I think that would get the job done


Thanks! Viffer! Worked like a charm!

Here's the ammend code:

// extremumprice.mq4
// The code should be used for educational purpose only.
extern int CntBars=30; // Amount of bars


int start() // Special funct. start()

int i, n, m; // Bar number

int lowshift=iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_OPEN,CntBars,0);
double Minimum=Open[lowshift]; // Minimal price
datetime lowtime=Time[lowshift];

int maxshift=iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_OPEN,CntBars,0);
double Maximum=Open[maxshift]; // Minimal price
datetime maxtime=Time[maxshift];

for(i=0;i<CntBars-1;i++) // From zero (!) to..
{ // ..Quant_Bars-1 (!)
if (Low[i]< Minimum) // If < than known
{Minimum=Low[i]; n = i; // it will be min

ObjectCreate("UpSymbolA", OBJ_ARROW, 0, lowtime,Minimum);
//ObjectCreate("UpSymbolA", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0],Minimum); //draw an up arrow
ObjectSet("UpSymbolA", OBJPROP_COLOR,Lime);


if (High[i]> Maximum) // If > than known
{Maximum=High[i]; m = i; // it will be max

ObjectCreate("DnSymbolA", OBJ_ARROW, 0, maxtime,Maximum);
//ObjectCreate("DnSymbolA",OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], Maximum); //draw a dn arrow
ObjectSet("DnSymbolA", OBJPROP_COLOR,Red);



Alert("For the last ",CntBars," bars Min = ",DoubleToStr(Minimum,Digits)," at Bar # ",n," Max = ",DoubleToStr(Maximum,Digits)," at Bar # ",m);
return; // Exit start()


Is it possible to mark past bars with and arrow, rather than current, to identify highs and lows, at the actual bar where they occured,

Like the fractal indicator?