I think it is a "small" prob.


Please, I need your help. I will write the folowing code lines:

string beta[3] = {"EURUSD",EURCAD","USDCAD"};
void Check1(int N,string beta[3])

Within the void function we do not change the parameters of Check1.

I got after compilation: 'beta' incompatible types.

Can somebody tell me "What is mean?"

(I tried to write: void Check1(int N, string& beta [3]) but it didn't helped..)


MQL4 Reference - Basics - Functions - Function call
Use Editors HELP and you will see that only give array name in call as the actual parameter and the function formal parameter only indicates that an address for an double type array is passed in.

int start()
   double some_array[4]={0.3, 1.4, 2.5, 3.6};
   double a=linfunc(some_array, 10.5, 8);
double linfunc(double x[], double a, double b)
   return (a*x[0] + b);
fbj wrote >>
MQL4 Reference - Basics - Functions - Function call
Use Editors HELP and you will see that only give array name in call as the actual parameter and the function formal parameter only indicates that an address for an double type array is passed in.

Thank you!!