Why String imported by FileReadString is cut?

I try to program a Economic calendar script to output outcoming news.
I tried to import the csv. file from dailyFX mit a '\t' delimiter so that a full line should be plotted in the window.
But all lines are cut to a various amount of elements although a string variable should allow text with up to 255 elements.

Here's my code:

int handle = FileOpen(FileName ,FILE_CSV|FILE_READ, '\t' );
   string Buffer;
   int i=1;
   double t;
   Buffer = FileReadString(handle);
        ObjectSetText(DoubleToStr(t,1),Buffer,10, "Arial" ,Black);      
Here's a part of the csv. file:
Date,Time,Time Zone,Currency,Description,Importance,Actual,Forecast,Previous
Sun Apr 18,10:35 PM,GMT,NZD,NZD Performance of Services Index (MAR),Medium,57.3,,53.7
Sun Apr 18,11:01 PM,GMT,GBP,GBP Rightmove House Prices (MoM) (APR),Medium,2.6%,,0.1%
Sun Apr 18,11:01 PM,GMT,GBP,GBP Rightmove House Prices (YoY) (APR),Medium,6.0%,,5.3%
Mon Apr 19,5:00 AM,GMT,JPY,JPY Consumer Confidence (MAR),Medium,41.0,,40.0
Mon Apr 19,5:00 AM,GMT,JPY,JPY Consumer Confidence Households (MAR),Medium,40.9,40.5,39.8
Mon Apr 19,5:30 AM,GMT,JPY,JPY Tokyo Department Store Sales (YoY) (MAR),Low,-5.1%,,-6.5%
Mon Apr 19,5:30 AM,GMT,JPY,JPY Nationwide Department Sales (YoY) (MAR),Low,-3.5%,,-5.4%
Here's a image of a sample output of the terminal window:

What could be the problem?

What could be the problem?

Label object max length is 63.

you should use the Comment() function for what you are trying to to.

Have a look at the print() function in common_functions.mqh: http://sites.google.com/site/prof7bit/common_functions it will append lines to the Comment() and scroll it up once the bottom is reached.