metatrader4 job (developer)


Im looking for a developer that can create a simple HTML page with 2 fields and a button. When the user hits generate it takes mql code, plugs in 2 variables based on the html form and then compiles the file into an ex4.

If anyone can do this, willing to pay, please message me trader88888 at
to my knowledge it isn't possible to compile an EA from the commandline. You could write the vars to a textfile and read it from the EA.

hth Russell
to my knowledge it isn't possible to compile an EA from the commandline.

Yes, it is. A fair number of topics on this forum about it, e.g.

to my knowledge it isn't possible to compile an EA from the commandline.

MetaLang.exe can be used to compile from command-line...

MetaQuotes Language 4 compiler version 4.00 build 226 (23 Mar 2010)
Copyright 2001-2010, MetaQuotes Software Corp.

usage: metalang [ options... ] filename
-q : quiet mode
thanks! Let me rephrase that : to my knowlegde it is totally possible to compile an EA from the commandline, but it isn't in the user manual ;-)

@trader346 PM me I can code this in PHP, EUR 80/h
Russell wrote >>
thanks! Let me rephrase that : to my knowlegde it is totally possible to compile an EA from the commandline, but it isn't in the user manual ;-)

@trader346 PM me I can code this in PHP, EUR 80/h

But i am shure in one of the older versions of MetaTrader was ... now its dissapeared from the help in MetaEditor...
Im looking for a developer that can create a simple HTML page with 2 fields and a button. When the user hits generate it takes mql code, plugs in 2 variables based on the html form and then compiles the file into an ex4.

Not exactly a big job. ASP.NET (Microsoft IIS) example at - until I need to do something useful with this server.

Im looking for a developer that can create a simple HTML page with 2 fields and a button. When the user hits generate it takes mql code, plugs in 2 variables based on the html form and then compiles the file into an ex4.

Mind to share why u would want this?

(I'm just curious...)


Mind to share why u would want this?

(I'm just curious...)

Personalisation of a EA to your timezone? Licensing (in an ineffective way) against a broker account number? I'm also curious...

Hi Trader346,

Nice and easy - shouldn't take more an hour and will cost you $24 USD per hour

Kind regards