do you need fapturbo50 or any more ?

If you Interested in that .
please visit forexeazone
who Interested
you are lucky
billvin, no is interested in your affiliate-marketing scheme. So, go kick the bucket somewhere else.

I'm a NuB at this stuff and have wasted and lost a lot of time and money on totally lame EAs. Including the 'most successful EA 'ever' : PhaTurdboLug and MegaDud. PhaTurdbo has been for sale for a little over a year and has about 55,000 customers! Do the math. I was amongst their first suckers and have never made any money with either of them! Having been on permanent disability for quite some time now and living way below the poverty line for the same period of time makes this quite significant for me to say the least.
I've been using both of them, including the settings that the 'ForEx Guru' sold me for PhaTurdboLug: setting the Stop Loss 25 TIMES what the Take Profit was set at. He does have the distinction of engineering and setting a personal record for me though: the most expensive trade that I have ever made! I don't know who is stupider? Him for selling his 'enlightened' brilliant settings based on his vast years of being a successful ForEx trader or me for using them! Plus he sold/sells his 'services as a 'one time' lifetime payment for any and all of his subsequent products, information, advice and services. Which strangely didn't cover the 'optimization seminar' that he recently ran. About a week ago or so I got an eMail from him with his 'new and improved' settings saying that the 'stop losses' were way to high in comparison to the 'take profit' settings!
NO KIDDING! Sheesh. Talk about a 'rocket scientist' Duhhh!!!!

Thus I've been moved to work at fulfilling the obvious hole and need in the market and ONLY sell products that are proven profitable that I use myself and make money with them. I'll base the marketing on proven data and utilizing a safe conservative approach which is the only thing that works in the long run and not a lot of emotional hype to grab suckers by greed and being over hyped about the ForEx being and 'over night 'get rich quick scheme'' It is a 'get rich quick scheme': for the shyster EA producers, marketers, brokers and huge institutional investors with a LOT of resources behind them. Anyone who knows anything about this knows that the inevitable losses are much more significant because of 'diminishing returns'.
For many months I've been working on and testing my own settings for PhaTurdboLug and MegaDud with the hopes of selling them as an affiliate along with my profitable settings.
I won't be selling either of them because NONE of them are profitable with any settings!
billvin, no is interested in your affiliate-marketing scheme. So, go kick the bucket somewhere else.


What else do you like
I'd like an EA that give me tons of money, for which i, of course, don't have to work. And your fabturbo, which made -30% last week, will help me greatly with it. Dude, you ain't getting it. The people on this forum aren't waiting on some kind of bs EA. So put your energy else where, maybe you can find an idiot who is willing to click you affiliate link. I hope for you it's PPC otherwise your totally are blowing your efforts.

I'd like an EA that give me tons of money, for which i, of course, don't have to work. And your fabturbo, which made -30% last week, will help me greatly with it. Dude, you ain't getting it. The people on this forum aren't waiting on some kind of bs EA. So put your energy else where, maybe you can find an idiot who is willing to click you affiliate link. I hope for your it's PPC otherwise your totally are blowing your efforts.


The EA I have access to is making tons of money for me and my associates. You just have to know the right people!


Most EA's do make tons of money...for the brokers and/or market makers! ;)

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