Closeing Problems, Please help - page 9


Hello Ais
Yes, the boundaries could be easily violated. In respect to the rules that apply. Once the rules are understood, this language is user friendly.
As to my above post, I stated that iBaseLag + iBaseBar, in and of itself, is an exceptable part of the formula. If I may expand for more clarification. I realize that it may be so very elementary, sorry for my slow ways of understanding. The iBaseLag = 20 (and can be changed to users tolerance) and the iBaseBar = 1, is the beginning to where the iBaseLag count starts its count. Your calculation to define historical bars. If there are not enough bars within the chart, the ATR can not function. ATR can not function, the program returns EMPTY then cycles. Correct?
If this is true, then I see the redunce and usefulness.
Thanks again for your time on the relearning.
As to making this a more complex program, you mentioned that it would come from the function 2.1.4., iGetTicket. This iGetTicket function is assigned to iTicket, in Main Routine. The program would have to refer to iGetTicket and in so doing would assign to iTicket. Function would show more than 0 (zero). at this time is if (iTicket < 0) iTryOpen; else iTryClose.
Therefore, this function needs altering.
Need to leave for work. I'll be back.
See you soon.
