Forex Auto pilot


Hi every one, im fairly new to the forex and just purchased some auto pilot software, Click here to view if you like....its pretty good and easy to use for beginners like my self..... but before i understand it correctly can anyone give me some good websites to visit for detailed info on trading the forex...??

Regards and good luck newbies...



One of the dangers of these bot sales sites is that they use backtested results and portray them as results you can reasonably expect to duplicate. You can't. Not from backtested results. But the author of this site spared us from such troubles because they didn't post any results (other than testimonies from completely unbiased sources and naming his bot the Forex Tripler). Even bots that do well for awhile often tank when market conditions change. I think it's a useful exercise to watch live testing over the course of even a few months. There will be some bots doing phenomenally, but then after a few months, they're posting a net loss. For what it's worth, here are a couple sites I watch:

It's interesting how few bots do well as you increase the time that they're being tested.

If you've already bought it, you could forward test it for several months with a demo account and see how it does, but that wouldn't guarantee that it couldn't lose you money when the market conditions change.


so you did one of the dumbest things that you could do :)

everyone loses money in the beginning. Some people learn from that. You won't because your "auto pilot" would lose money for you.