Run Time output for Debugging and Documenting Code Exectuion and Data.


If you want to follow the flow of your code or are having troubles with an EA, script etc and trying to track it down and find out where and what it is you can use an 'Alert' statement to display it in an Alert message box.

Alert doesn't work in the tester.

No it doesn't, though it does print them into the journal.

The strategy tester is primarily used for confirmed code and testing and optimizing variables.

I am utilizing it in coding and as someone that is just learning this stuff, I do find it quite useful for that purpose.


If you want to follow the flow of your code or are having troubles with an EA, script etc and trying to track it down and find out where and what it is; put a MessageBox() with an OK button into your code and then use print to put the needed info into the message box.

Though just using an 'Alert' statement accomplishes the same thing quite as readily.

Why not just use Print()...? Then u won't have to bother with pressing OK. You can 'follow the flow of your code' in the log just as well.


As I indicated, it is likewise one option.

I prefer to have the Allert/Mesage box come up when I complied that program as all of the info that I'm interested is right there along with the program and I can scroll through it quite easily and readily as opposed to go searching for it within the journal that is filled with all sorts of material that I am not interested in and thus have to wades threw it to find it.

Each to there own

Print() doesn't output to the journal "with all the other stuff" as you put it. It outputs to the Experts tab/log where the only stuff to "wade" through is the stuff you've put there yourself. CB

I'm finding it more useful to have it pupup into a message or alert box. that I can move around the chart/ teminall window.

As I said: each to there own. I'm not forcing anyone to use this method, just pointing it out.

Yes, each to THEIR own. Help from posters is most welcome on the forum. Please just make sure that what you post is factually accurate before posting. Your comments about the behaviour of Print() weren't. CB

Yes and I did say that I was also very new to all of this and just learning and had been looking for a way to have this sort of info that I am interested in & tyring to figure out how to distinguish and show it and make it readily available and what it is and it's value right there with the EA where I can readliy scroll though it to help me understand it, which I find that this does for me quite readily. Though I'm definetly getting some surprises that show me that I have the wrong idea about and misunderstand things or have just made an outright mistake. I'm really not too sure about any of this at all yet.

You seem quite sure of yourself. Have you ever posted something in this forum that was erroneous ?


You seem quite sure of yourself. Have you ever posted something in this forum that was erroneous ?

Yes I have. Oops. But I try not to.