HOW to make bigger font size on plot area ??


Dear all,

Thank you for always help at this forum.

I am trying to show Bigger font size RSI Value on chart like picture I attached .

Pls see Green value in picture. (Top one is RSI, bottom is Ask value)

but there is so many zero's ....

I would like to show only 3 degits like code I wrote.

So, I you know some idea to delete zero's after 3 digits,

Please teach a hint..

Thank you very much for your attention . Yoshi

--------------This is code I wrote...--------------------------------------------------------

double RSI =NormalizeDouble( RSIBuffer[0],3);
double endprice =NormalizeDouble( Close[0],3);

ObjectCreate("Signalprice", OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0);
ObjectSetText("Signalprice",""+RSI+"", 10, "Arial",PriceColor);
ObjectSet("Signalprice", OBJPROP_CORNER, Corner_of_Chart_RIGHT_END);
ObjectSet("Signalprice", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, -5+Adjust_Side_to_side);
ObjectSet("Signalprice", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 10+Shift_UP_DN);
