MT4 Mobile Trading Platform


Hello everyone,

This is a question for those who have experience using the MT4 Mobile Trading SE (Smartphone Edition). I am looking into buying a smartphone - primarily for using with MT4, therefore needs to be under Windows Mobile. I would like to hear some feedback from experienced users. With the feedback please include your phone, carrier, and any other info you think is useful.

Also, is there a platform with a Windows OS and Wi-Fi capability and can act as PDA that is not a phone? (such as Apple's Ipod Touch with iPhone OS) - also for use with MT4.

Any advice greatly appreciated.



My opinion - People can be forgiven for using Windows on a PC. Perhaps its a work PC. Perhaps its been given to them. Or perhaps whatever app they wish to use is a win32 app. No one should be forgiven for CHOOSING to use a Microsoft O/S on a mobile device. That is evil. When we are on the move, our priorities are ease and speed of use. Keyhole surgery and faffing around with Microsoft Graphical Cornered Rat does not meet that priority.

Here's my suggestion. Buy an iPhone. Install LogMeIn Ignition at a cost of £17.99. Remote control your PC running MT4. Shake the iPhone to cycle through your multi-monitor setup. You'll be surprised at how elegant and user friendly it can be. Even over a cellular network.


CB I use WinAdmin on my iphone to log onto the works very well too.
Totally Agree With your Vision CB!