Point isn't logged correctly?


Hi there,

I'm running the following code in my EA which is attached to EURUSDH1:

Print("Trailing Stop is : ",TrailingStop);
Print("Ask is : ",Ask);
Print("Point is : ",MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT));
Print("Ask+Point*TrailingStop is : ",(Ask+Point*TrailingStop));

Print("OrderStopLoss is : ",(OrderStopLoss()));

Point is alway displayed as 0 in the Journal and the tester log file (see below):

Point displayed as 0 in Journal

I was expecting Point to be displayed as 0.00001. And if you do the math, Ask+Point*TrailingStop proves that Point is in fact 0.00001.

Can any one tell me why Point isn't displayed or logged correctly?




Print() outputs doubles to 4 decimal places.

Use this instead:

Print("Point is : ",DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT),8));



Print() outputs doubles to 4 decimal places.

Use this instead:

Print("Point is : ",DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT),8));


Hi CB,

That worked although it did place some unnecessary zeros after the 1.

Thank you very much.



Hi CB,

That worked although it did place some unnecessary zeros after the 1.

Thank you very much.


I just noticed the 8 on the end of the code. I changed this to 5 and it is perfect.


I just noticed the 8 on the end of the code. I changed this to 5 and it is perfect.

Don't use 8 or 5, use Digits.


I put the 8 in on purpose in order to show you exactly what the value of Point was.

WHRoeder - I'm quite aware of the Digits variable; I just didn't want the poster wondering what other "1s" might be lurking beyond that level of precision.