need advice for new data tick detection 'inside' script while loop


In the context of a script's while( cond ) { do something when new data tick received by terminal }

My question is how do you detect a new data tick/changed price data IF you were going to mess about with a loop inside a script

eg, could sleep xx microsecs in between polling Close[0] for newer value but must be alternatives.

What am I missing in my thinking?? (be kind now! :o)


am being layzee by not doing usual testharness and additionally probably miss out testing the obvious - anyway, interesting to get from the horses mouth, yes!?


Use the function RefreshRates().


thanks, but refresh already used and not what after.

I'll just stick with volume[0]. It works ok in tests.


for(int j=0;j<=1000;j++)
while (RefreshRates()==false) //

{ Do what you want()



Hope this could help
