Trader64DLL Files


I am getting an error on Vista 64 bit when using a DLL in metatrader. the DLL was writte for me and has been work fineon 32 bit Vista and XP.

does any one know of wht I am getting "Cannot Load Library (Dllname)" error when using the #imports directive?

I do no know C++, I only hav this DLL and I cant seem to find out how to resovle the problem.

I am attaching the DLL here since it does nothing secretive.

I someone could helpme convert this so it is 64bit compliant and also compile it for me, I woule be grateful.

Trader64DLL.cpp is attached

TraderDLL.h contains:-

// TradersDll.h

namespace Traders


class Trader


public :

// Returns 0 for success -1 for faliure

//-2 means invalid path

//1 means no file present with given extension

static __declspec ( dllexport ) int GetTradeFiles( char * StartingDirectory, char * FileExtention, char * OutputFileName);

//Return 0 for success -1 for faliure

static __declspec ( dllexport ) int RenameFile( char * OldFileName, char * NewFileName);



Thanks for any help.


I am getting an error on Vista 64 bit when using a DLL in metatrader. the DLL was writte for me and has been work fineon 32 bit Vista and XP.

does any one know of wht I am getting "Cannot Load Library (Dllname)" error when using the #imports directive?

Where are you installing the DLL? Are you using the expert\libraries directory or the system directory? On a 64-bit system, the \Windows\System32 directory contains DLLs for use by 64-bit apps. DLLs for 32-bit apps such as MetaTrader should go in the \Windows\SysWOW64 directory.
