Is it possible for script get variable from Indicator?


Is it possible script get variable(s) from an Indicator variable?

Any code example?

Many Thanks :)


Hello ricx

Use the search box top right of any site page. Enter iCustom and hit the return key.

On search results page - the left side, you will see column.

Click on Book. Now can read up on what it is you ask.

Click on Code Base. Now can see code examples.

hint - only extern variables are viewable to your script via iCustom() - Pay great attention to what/parameterOrdering you put into iCustom() call (left to right ordering must be same as indicator's extern variable's top to bottom ordering) else you will feel pain... :o)


Great :) i found iCustom and it works Thank you very much fbj.
ricx wrote >>
Great :) i found iCustom and it works Thank you very much fbj.


enjoy your time here...
