adventures of a newbie - page 12

hey CB, thanks, this makes sense. if I knew how to make amendments myself I assure you I would have done so, and not spend 2 hours trying to figure it out. logic is exactly what i am having difficulty with with all the terms, function calls, etc. still very confusing for me. but we'l get there in the end!
hey CB, thanks, this makes sense. if I knew how to make amendments myself I assure you I would have done so, and not spend 2 hours trying to figure it out. logic is exactly what i am having difficulty with with all the terms, function calls, etc. still very confusing for me. but we'l get there in the end!

Hmm. I'm puzzled.

There was no difficulty in moving from having 0 duplicates to having 4. That's not a 2 hour head scratcher.

I recommend that you do a few little exercises:

1) Go through the annotations you made to the code and re-annotate it to explain "WHY" each line is there - rather than just "WHAT" each line does.

2) Learn the technique of walking your brain through the code, with values of variables and loop counters etc incrementing in your head as you go, pretending that the program is running - this is called a dry run.

3) Start making little experiments with the code, along with Print() statements, just to show yourself what is happening. Remember each time to revert to something which works properly.

Unfortunately, no more complexity just now. I think that EA I produced for you is just about right as the basis for the above exercises.


Hey CB, you are spot on with your recommendations. i already started doing what you are suggesting. I realised I have to memorise the ea we wrote to really understand it, as when i go through it it may make sense for a while, but the next day it all goes out of the window and i'm back to square 1 (i don't have short-term amnesia :). I started building indicators based on the strategy to get to know functions, etc. and i started going through code guru's notes again, but trying to memorise them, as they make sense the first time you read them, but a few hours later you are back to 'what on earth is that code about?'. at least that's what's its like for a complete newbie

Hi All,

Is here anybody who knows a good SCALPING EA?

I know it's a stupid question

but i'm new in the forum

thank you ALL


[...] Is here anybody who knows a good SCALPING EA?

Ever heard of searching?