How to make my Function?


I have a question that I want to make my own Function but I don't know how to make it,

I guess I have to save my Function code in Library. And then For calling My Function, Using #import.

I did that but compiler said there is no function like that .

So I didn't understand how to make it.

Could anybody please suggest how to make my function? thanks a lot 

tatsuyaha wrote >>

I have a question that I want to make my own Function but I don't know how to make it,

I guess I have to save my Function code in Library. And then For calling My Function, Using #import.

I did that but compiler said there is no function like that .

So I didn't understand how to make it.

Could anybody please suggest how to make my function? thanks a lot

Here is a link to a lesson covering functions and writing your own. This is just for starters.

BTW You can code the function in the Ea and call it from within the EA.




I have a question that I want to make my own Function but I don't know how to make it,

I guess I have to save my Function code in Library. And then For calling My Function, Using #import.

I did that but compiler said there is no function like that .

So I didn't understand how to make it.

Could anybody please suggest how to make my function? thanks a lot 

Hey - you wasted a lot of whitespace below your post. Don't you know there's a recession?

Anyways, regarding your function, if you're coding it in MQL, then just insert it in the .MQ4 file like this (and you don't need include statements etc.)



   put instructions here (like calls to your function) that you want executed once at the start




   put instructions here (like calls to your function) that you want executed on every arriving tick whilst idle




   this is all the clever stuff (be quiet everyone) in your own function



Thanks a Lot!!

I’m sorry. I missed that. and thanks for answer my question:)