This whole thing is strange for a newbie like me


Hello, i'm a newbie and just wondering if i will ever get to learn how to use the EA,i downloaded the manual that was supposed to be the guide to the programming...2 minutes of reading and i was going to run mad...what is all this dots,hyphens and lines?????? please how do i start? i feel like i'm in Jupiter or something...someone please respond


Hello, i'm a newbie and just wondering if i will ever get to learn how to use the EA,i downloaded the manual that was supposed to be the guide to the programming...2 minutes of reading and i was going to run mad...what is all this dots,hyphens and lines?????? please how do i start? i feel like i'm in Jupiter or something...someone please respond

welcome to programming!


Hello, i'm a newbie and just wondering if i will ever get to learn how to use the EA,i downloaded the manual that was supposed to be the guide to the programming...2 minutes of reading and i was going to run mad...what is all this dots,hyphens and lines?????? please how do i start? i feel like i'm in Jupiter or something...someone please respond

Likely good idea to stock up on Valium, this is not an easy language to deal with. The dots etc are just dividers, the // tell you it is a comment and not part of the code. You can go to the code section at top of page and see examples of indicators and experts, basically there is no easy way, one step at a time and be prepared for lots of frustration. Learn to use the search option at the top and also you can use google

to search sometimes better than the in house search.

How do you eat an Elephant?

One Bite at a time! ...................Same for MQL4

Good Luck

It's a secret society - the "dots,hyphens and lines" have been designed to keep outsiders out. Looks like it's working too.
It's a secret society - the "dots,hyphens and lines" have been designed to keep outsiders out. Looks like it's working too.

yup, this side is better.

It's a secret society - the "dots,hyphens and lines" have been designed to keep outsiders out. Looks like it's working too.




、The human leads the market, the market is leading EA, the human is leading EA, EA cannot lead the market and the human


Hello, i'm a newbie and just wondering if i will ever get to learn how to use the EA,i downloaded the manual that was supposed to be the guide to the programming...2 minutes of reading and i was going to run mad...what is all this dots,hyphens and lines?????? please how do i start? i feel like i'm in Jupiter or something...someone please respond

It never ceases to amaze me that so many people think that they'll be able to become a programmer over-night. "How hard can it be?"

Thank your lucky stars that the medical profession is regulated.





Whatever. :-)

Programming is easy. Trading is hard.