Could someone please suggest me where to begin with the MQL4 ?


Dear All,

I'm quite new to Forex and just hear about automate trading etc... Now I discover this website but its seems like a lot information here including the MQL4 manual. I'd like to learn MQL4 very much but read all the manual seems to be a gigantic task.

So, could anybody please suggest where to begin to study the MQL4? any websites etc....

Thanks a lot.


Dear All,

I'm quite new to Forex and just hear about automate trading etc... Now I discover this website but its seems like a lot information here including the MQL4 manual. I'd like to learn MQL4 very much but read all the manual seems to be a gigantic task.

So, could anybody please suggest where to begin to study the MQL4? any websites etc....

Thanks a lot.

I suggest you take a couple of the sample MQ4 files that come with the platform and disect them using the documentation section on this site.

Once you've got a fair idea about their structure, then  make a few changes and see how you get on.


Dear All,

I'm quite new to Forex and just hear about automate trading etc... Now I discover this website but its seems like a lot information here including the MQL4 manual. I'd like to learn MQL4 very much but read all the manual seems to be a gigantic task.

So, could anybody please suggest where to begin to study the MQL4? any websites etc....

Thanks a lot.

cloudbreaker offered some good advice. That is exactly what I did two years ago. First I modified an existing program, several times just to get a feel for how MQ4 works, then I started writing simple programs from scratch, nothing that would be considered a money making EA just simple things to open and close trades, calc moving averages, and moving average slopes etc. I spent about two months doing that --- then I took an 20 month hiatus while I worked on a good set of trading rules. I have spent the last two months flowcharting and coding those trading rules. I learned Fortran in college 30+ years ago, that is the extent of my programming experience.

It takes time and persistance to learn the MQ4 langugage and program an EA. It's like scaling a vertical cliff an inch at a time. You cannot rush this learning curve --- it is steep!

Best regards,

davebartus wrote >>

Dear All,

I'm quite new to Forex and just hear about automate trading etc... Now I discover this website but its seems like a lot information here including the MQL4 manual. I'd like to learn MQL4 very much but read all the manual seems to be a gigantic task.

So, could anybody please suggest where to begin to study the MQL4? any websites etc....

Thanks a lot.


May be you can follow this MQL4 course, it is very well done.


Dear All,

I'm quite new to Forex and just hear about automate trading etc... Now I discover this website but its seems like a lot information here including the MQL4 manual. I'd like to learn MQL4 very much but read all the manual seems to be a gigantic task.

So, could anybody please suggest where to begin to study the MQL4? any websites etc....

Thanks a lot.

My suggestion, start from Book, TA, then Articles.

Thanks a lot all !!!