Pending Order Price VS. Actual Open Price


I have a problem finding the Pending Order Price AFTER the trade Opens. Slippage will change the price to whatever the market delivers. How can I get back my original posted price?

My trade management logic works off this price NOT the actual Open Price.

I set slippage to zero for pending orders. We have to consider slippage for market orders, but for pending orders, there is no excuse to be slipped, since you requested that price before market being there.
I set slippage to zero for pending orders. We have to consider slippage for market orders, but for pending orders, there is no excuse to be slipped, since you requested that price before market being there.

The slippage parameter is ignored on pending orders - see the comment by stringo at 'Automated Trading Championship 2007'. Slippage is perfectly possible on pending orders around market gaps, regardless of the slippage parameter, and each broker has their own published rules about how they handle this.

In terms of getting the requested price versus the actual filled price then, as in 'Original Pending Order Price - where is it?', there's no obvious alternative to maintaining some sort of external record of the order ticket number and the requested price - either by using the order comment (which is unreliable), or some sort of mini database in memory and/or on disk.