Another Array/Buffer Question


When using buffers and/or arrays, does the complete buffer/array shift by 1 index up at the beginning of a new bar?

Example: assume there's 100 bars in the graph and I have an indicator buffer (double test_ind[]) and an array (double test_arr[1000]).

During one bar on a 100 bar graph test_ind[99] is the most left bar, test_ind[0] is the current bar and test_arr[99] is the most left bar and test_arr[0] is the current bar.

When a new bar starts, does everything shift so test_ind[99] does not exist anymore but is now the value that used to be in test_ind[98], and similar test_ind[0], the previous current bar is now test_ind[1]?

And what about the array.  It has a dimension of 1000 but I'm only using 100 because of the number of bar in the graph being 100.  Does that one get shifted too?

Any advise is welcome.



As far as I can rememebr. Nothing get shifted around. Think of arrys as drawers. In every drawer there is a number. the Arry[x] where x = the number of drawers. U must tell the EA where to put the numbers. If U want to move everything up, U have to do it. It does not happen by it's self.

If U say arry[4]=10, then arry 0-3 will be emty.

Usualy U use a for statement to fill up arrays. Search the form and U will find plenty examples.

Also rememebr if U assign arry[101] and there is only 100 set in the variable U will get an error. Is like putting a nuber in a drawer that does not exist.

Somewhere where U might get confused is the bars/ibars. There bars[0] is always the latest price. bars[1] is the previos bars price etc. There the "arry" get moves up yes.

Hope this helps.
