help fineturn EA - page 4


tigersoft r u also a programmer

what does it mean when the journal say

2009.03.12 13:27:05 Mail: not enough space for 'OrderTicket '
delcor wrote >>

is it possible that when the EA send me email to tell me from which account it comes from - the account number

this is what he send me know

if (EmailON) SendMail("SELL signal alert","SELL signal at Ask="+DoubleToStr(Ask,4)+", Bid="+DoubleToStr(Bid,4)+", Date="+TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)+" "+TimeHour(CurTime())+":"+TimeMinute(CurTime())+" Symbol="+Symbol()+" Period="+Period());

if (EmailON) SendMail(AccountNumber()+" SELL signal alert","SELL signal at Ask="+DoubleToStr(Ask,4)+", Bid="+DoubleToStr(Bid,4)+", Date="+TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)+" "+TimeHour(CurTime())+":"+TimeMinute(CurTime())+" Symbol="+Symbol()+" Period="+Period());

delcor wrote >>

what does it mean when the journal say

2009.03.12 13:27:05 Mail: not enough space for 'OrderTicket '

No I dont know what is this; first time hearing it


No I dont know what is this; first time hearing it

could it be the buffer


I have seen some of the postings and thought I might find the help I need here. I have tried with no success to calculate Weekly Account Profit and then display it on my chart using the Comment() function. Can anyone help me? I cannot seem to come up with the right code or formula using the AccountProfit() and OrderHistoryTotal() functions. I know it seems like a simple taks, but I am baffled. Thanks.

tigersoft wrote >>

Ronaldosim, Can you share your new ea?


here it is

7455 wrote >>

I have seen some of the postings and thought I might find the help I need here. I have tried with no success to calculate Weekly Account Profit and then display it on my chart using the Comment() function. Can anyone help me? I cannot seem to come up with the right code or formula using the AccountProfit() and OrderHistoryTotal() functions. I know it seems like a simple taks, but I am baffled. Thanks.

do you mean say for this week, to show the cummulative profit/loss on chart or for this week to show last week's or this week's and last week's and the two weeks ago etc???


here it is

i have compile your EA and it gives me problems

ronaldosim wrote >>

do you mean say for this week, to show the cummulative profit/loss on chart or for this week to show last week's or this week's and last week's and the two weeks ago etc???

I want to calculate the current week's cumulative profit loss and display it on the chart.

delcor wrote >>

i have compile your EA and it gives me problems

sorry, i was changing the lot increment formula and it has an extra parenthesis; here it is again
