Plot external datas by line



I need to plot by a line, a lot of values stored into a .csv file.

I know is possible plot line getting index of the bars, but this solution is good just for internal indicator, MACD, MOVING AVERANGE, etc...

How I can plot this values?

This is a little example:

01.01.2000 00.00 ; 514 ; 1256; 7

01.01.2000 01:00 ; 530 ; 1300 ; 0

01.01.2000 02:00 ; 560 ; 1221 ; 1

01.01.2000 03:00 ; 555 ; 1452 ; 1

01.01.2000 04:00 ; 400 ; 1665 ; 6

I have date, and some values.

I used TextObject to solve, but it do a lot of lag!

Are there any solution?



So i think no reason :-(

I read something about dll import, can i import System.Draw from c# library? anyone did this?