I make 100% returns everymonth using my 3 different Expert Advisors - Statement Attached


Hey Folks!

I make 100% returns every month using my 3 different Expert Advisors - Click the link below to see the statement:


I would like to participate in EA Championship. What is the procedure? I am confident that i can compete with the other winners.

Can anyone guide me how to participate? Kindly mail me at kannaa@forexfundas.com or mdkannaa@gmail.com


Forex Addictor


Looks good, sounds good but...

as the top of the report is not shown and the account number is rather high for a live account, should we assume this is output from a demo account?

Just curious :)



you have about 8 or 9 months to research the HOW TO's for joining 2009 ATC

hint: top right of your screen is a word: Championship



Thanks for the information regarding championship...

Note to BarrowBoy:

I have attached the complete report. Kindly refresh the page and check. The chart would be at the end of the page...


AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh................enough already, its like everybody and their mother is trying to screw people out of their money in fx. You now can make 100% a month, NOT EVEN THE ATC WINNERS CAN DO THIS ON A REAL ACCOUNT. If you were smart, you would now what is considered an amazing return and what is just crazy, but you will definately find some fools on here that will pay you $1000, for your EA.