SMA Crossover Alerts

Can someone please help me as to how to have an alert emailed to you when one moving average crosses over another one in either direction? I do not want it to automatically place the trade for me, just the alert. I have found where you can have a price alert emailed to you, but that doesn't suit my needs. I would appreciate any assistance. Thank you in advance for sharing knowledge.
You'll need to write or locate code (EA, script, or indicator) to detect the crossover, and send the mail.
phy wrote >>
You'll need to write or locate code (EA, script, or indicator) to detect the crossover, and send the mail.

Can you lead me in the right direction to find this information? I have looked (I thought thoroughly) and haven't found anything specific.

To send mail see SendMail() in documentation (link at top of this page, as well as contained in MetaEditor)