

I entered championship and just got this message:

Unfortunately, your expert is not admitted because of infringement of a rules 2.5 & 2.6

I really dont see where I fall under this??

My username is bonechair and I used this name from the start of joining here.


According to 2007's statistics the most probable reasons are:

a) you registered more than one account to take part in the championship

b) some other account(s) uploaded EA's compiled by you


According to 2007's statistics the most probable reasons are:

a) you registered more than one account to take part in the championship

b) some other account(s) uploaded EA's compiled by you

a) No I only have bonechair

b) Not possible.

Please let me know why, I dont think this is very fair.


I believe you will have an official answer pointing to the related account(s). I'm just a trader, not a MetaQuotes' official.

Last year there were many people who claimed they didn't violate rules 2.5/6 but the championship organizers said that they had 100% proof for the cases with disqualified participants. It was funny to read when some of them swore that they didn't do anything illegal and then it turned out that they realized that their friend came to them, sat down by their PC and registered her account for the championship. Or that they tested their student's EA, fixed a few bugs and sent it back. There there quite a few stories like these.
